"Continuity with the past. By building on the work done by President Tiziano Treu, I intend to relaunch our Council in accordance with fresh needs and legal requirements. To strengthen the CNEL's ex-ante and ex-post advisory role with regard to the Government and Parliament, I intend to reverse the task given to it by the Constituent Fathers. I've already had productive conversations in this direction with Palazzo Chigi, the President of the Senate, and the President of the Chamber of Deputies. The Council wants to arrive ready for the new challenges that lie ahead. We have therefore already started the internal reorganisation that will allow us to fulfil our institutional responsibilities in a timely and effective manner".
This is what CNEL President Renato Brunetta said in front of the Secretary-General Francesco Tufarelli at the first Assembly he presided over today in Rome.
“The President of the Council of Ministers recently expressed the wish that the CNEL would serve as a forum for negotiations between the Government and labour trade unions. Along with this responsibility, the Council also offers itself as a natural forum for discussion between institutions and organised civil society to encourage the creation of the best regulation. The request from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Minister Casellati to host a seminar of constitutionalists on the topic of institutional reforms on the 17th of May, which is currently at the centre of the debate between political forces, is confirmation of this potential of the CNEL”, Brunetta continued.