The CNEL's examination of the draft budget law 2024 has begun, in view of the hearing to be held by the National Council for Economics and Labour at the Joint Committees on the Budget of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
To this end, the three Standing Committees met today, which will carry out the preparatory work with regard to their specific tasks and areas of competence:
· Committee I “Economic Policies and Productive Activities”, chaired by CNEL’s Vice-Presidents Floriano Botta and Claudio Risso;
· Committee II “Social Policies, Sustainable Development, Third Sector”, chaired by Floriano Botta;
· Committee III “European Union Policies and International Cooperation”, chaired by Claudio Risso.
While waiting to know the exact date of the hearing, the preliminary activity started today with the work of the three Standing Committees will be further developed in the coming days by the competent collegial bodies of the National Council for Economics and Labour through the usual internal procedures.
Also this morning, a meeting of the Bureau took place.