He is an economist, politician and essayist.
- He has been President of the CNEL since April 2023.
- He was Full Professor of Labour Economics at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata.
- He has been President of the Venice World Sustainability Capital Foundation since March 2022, appointed by Prime Minister Draghi.
- He was Minister for Public Administration in the Draghi government,18th legislature, from February 2021 until October 2022.
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies since March 2018, elected in the single-member constituency of San Donà di Piave, for the 18th legislature.
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies since March 2013, he served as President of the Forza Italia-PDL-Berlusconi Presidente parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies for the 17th legislature.
- From January 2012 to March 2013, he was Departments Coordinator and Programme Director for the Popolo della Libertà (People of Freedom) party.
- From May 2008 to November 2011, he was Minister for Public Administration and Innovation during the 16th legislature in Berlusconi's fourth government.
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies since April 2008, elected in the Veneto II constituency on the People of Freedom list for the 16th legislature.
- He was Deputy National Coordinator of Forza Italia from 2007 to 2008.
- He was a Member of the European Parliament from July 1999 to April 2008, elected on the Forza Italia lists and a member of the EPP-CD group, where he served as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, for the 5th and 6th legislatures.
- Since 1998, he was in charge of the Programme Sector and from 2007-2008, he served as Deputy National Coordinator of Forza Italia.
-From 1989 to 1999, he was a member of the CNEL and President of the Information Commission.
- He served as the Secretary-General of the Brodolini Foundation from 1980 to 1996. During those same years, he also edited the quarterly journal on economic policy and industrial relations, "Economia & Lavoro".
- From 1987 to the present, he has been the Director of the quarterly journal "Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations", published by Basil Blackwell.
- In the 1980s and 1990s, he collaborated as an economic advisor with the governments of Craxi, Amato and Ciampi. He was economic advisor to Prime Minister Berlusconi from 2003 to 2006. He was Vice President of the OECD Committee on Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (Paris, 1985-1989). From 1983 to 1987, he was responsible at the Ministry of Labour for all strategies related to employment and income policy.
- In his academic career, he has authored numerous scientific publications and volumes on labour economics and industrial relations, including: "Microeconomia del lavoro. Teoria e analisi empiriche" (Labour Microeconomics: Theory and Empirical Analysis) (Marsilio Editori, 1987), "Disoccupazione, isteresi e irreversibilità. Per una nuova interpretazione del Mercato del lavoro" (Unemployment, Hysteresis and Irreversibility. Towards a New Interpretation of the Labour Markets) (ETAS libri, 1992), "La fine della società dei salariati" (The End of the Wage Earner society) (Marsilio Editori, 1994) and "Economia del lavoro" (Labour Economics) (UTET, 1999).
- From 2006 to 2008, he curated, first with Vittorio Feltri and later with Maurizio Belpietro, the successful series "Manuali di conversazione politica" (Political Conversation Manuals) published by Libero and the Free Foundation. He has also published: “Sud. Un sogno possibile" (South. A Possible Dream) (Donzelli Editore, 2009), "Rivoluzione in corso" (Revolution in Progress) (Mondadori, 2009), "La mia politica" (My Politics) (Marsilio Editori, 2011), "L'occasione della crisi" (The Ppportunity of the Crisis) (Rubbettino, 2011), "Il grande imbroglio" (The Great Deception) (Marsilio Editori, 2012), "Il grande imbroglio 2" (The Great Deception 2) (Marsilio Editori, 2013), "Il grande imbroglio 3" (The Great Deception 3) (Marsilio Editori, 2014), "La mia utopia. La piena occupazione è possibile" (My Utopia. Full Employment is Possible) (Mondadori, 2014), "Berlusconi deve cadere. Cronaca di un complotto" (Berlusconi Must Fall. Chronicle of a Conspiracy) (Il Giornale, 2014), "Cronache economico politiche dalla pandemia" (Economic-political Chronicles from the Pandemic) (Free, 2020), "I venti mesi che hanno cambiato l’Italia. Il mio diario di governo" (The Twenty Months that Changed Italy. My Government Diary) (Marsilio, 2022).
- Columnist for Affari Italiani, Huffington Post, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Dubbio, Il Foglio, Il Gazzettino, Il Giornale, Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Rifomista, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Nazione, Libero and Milano Finanza.
- Throughout his career, he has received numerous awards: "Premio Saint Vincent" for economics (1988); "Premio Tarantelli" for the best work in labour economics (1992); "Premio Scanno" for the best work in industrial relations (1995); "Premio Internazionale Rodolfo Valentino" for economics, finance, and communication (2000); "Premio Capalbio 2009" in the 'Politics' section for the book "Revolution in Progress" (2009); "Premio giornalistico Lucio Colletti" for autonomy and intellectual independence in communication (2015); "Premio Leone d’Oro per la Pace", special career recognition (2018); "Premio Italia Informa 2021" as Person of the Year (2021); "Premio Farnèse d’Or" in the "Politics" section (2022); "Premio Camillo Cavour" as a personality who has distinguished himself in the field of politics (2022).
- He has been awarded the honours of Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, in recognition of his commitment throughout his career in in Italian and European politics (2023) and Cavaliere di Gran Croce Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (2024). In 2024, he received Le Ragioni della Nuova Politica Award for his valuable contribution to Employment Policies and Public Administration Management through important legislative measures and institutional roles, always with a pro-European vision and a focus on efficiency and transparency, with particular attention to Public Assets.
- President of the Ravello Foundation from 2011 to 2014.
- Renato Brunetta was born in Venice on 26 May 1950.