“Companies and workers are in serious difficulty. More than a month has passed since the beginning of the lockdown and social shocks-absorbers have not yet reached the workers' pockets. It is necessary to urgently implement the measures of the Cura Italia and Liquidity decrees, favouring the simplification of procedures and the speed in the disbursement of contributions. We have to act quickly. If we are late, companies will die and unemployment will increase, something which Italy cannot afford at this time." This was stated by president Tiziano Treu at the TV broadcast Newsroom Italia, the in-depth analysis of Rainews24 conducted by Paolo Poggio.
“The banking system must be able to carry out simple, automatic, preliminary investigations up to 100% for small businesses. A precondition for restarting after closure is the definition of a protocol on health and safety in the workplace", added Treu on behalf of the social partners and productive forces who, this very morning, videoconferenced the meeting by approving the stress test on the country-system unanimously and expressing the urgency of implementing measures in favour of businesses and workers.
"The CNEL expresses its support to the Parliament and the Government of the Republic in terms of proposals and ideas, both in the phase of the most acute emergency, and in the phase immediately after of gradual reopening - he underlined - The production capacity of the country is being jeopardized. The suspension of activities in Italy appears necessarily wider, in size and duration, than in the other countries of the Union, which, although with growing difficulties, continue to produce in sectors where the Italian market shares are more solid. Tourism, catering, the whole tourist hospitality system are, at the moment, reduced to zero and they will probably be for an indefinite time. The logistic system indicates that in two, maximum three weeks it could find itself in extremely critical conditions".
"At this stage, it is essential to support the national health system and maintain a spirit of loyal collaboration between the different decision-making levels, central and territorial - noted Treu - CNEL constantly follows the evolution of the health crisis and expresses solidarity and condolences to the families of the deceased, and the most sincere thanks and support to doctors and health personnel, civil protection, law enforcement officers who are in the front line in the fight against the virus."
On the European front, the CNEL is in constant contact with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC): “We have sent to all European offices the appeal approved by the Presidency Council, in which it is hoped that faced with the risk of disintegration, Europe will be able to change path. The emergency made clear the absence of a unified European position on public health and safety and the Union's inability to make common decisions also regarding global problems that heavily affect the economy and social life of all member countries. The CNEL is hoping for aid in proportion to how each country was affected by the emergency," concluded Treu.